Packages that use Triple | |
org.jrdf.graph | This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects. |
org.jrdf.graph.mem | This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. |
org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator | |
org.jrdf.parser.ntriples | |
org.jrdf.query.relation.mem | |
org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml |
Uses of Triple in org.jrdf.graph |
Classes in org.jrdf.graph that implement Triple | |
class |
A base implementation of an RDF Triple . |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph that return Triple | |
Triple |
TripleFactory.createTriple(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
Creates a new triple to be used in the graph. |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph that return types with arguments of type Triple | |
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
Graph.find(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
Returns an iterator of Triple s to a set of statements that
match a given subject, predicate and object. |
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
Graph.find(Triple triple)
Returns an iterator of Triple s to a set of statements that
match a given subject, predicate and object. |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph with parameters of type Triple | |
void |
Graph.add(Triple triple)
Adds a triple to the graph. |
boolean |
Graph.contains(Triple triple)
Test the graph for the occurrence of the triple. |
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
Graph.find(Triple triple)
Returns an iterator of Triple s to a set of statements that
match a given subject, predicate and object. |
void |
TripleFactory.reifyTriple(Triple triple,
SubjectNode reificationNode)
Reifies a triple. |
void |
AbstractTripleFactory.reifyTriple(Triple triple,
SubjectNode reificationNode)
Creates a reification of a triple. |
void |
Graph.remove(Triple triple)
Removes a triple from the graph. |
Method parameters in org.jrdf.graph with type arguments of type Triple | |
void |
Graph.add(Iterator<Triple> triples)
Adds all the triples contained in an iterator into the graph. |
void |
Graph.remove(Iterator<Triple> triples)
Removes all the triples contained in an iterator from the graph. |
Uses of Triple in org.jrdf.graph.mem |
Classes in org.jrdf.graph.mem that implement Triple | |
class |
A trivial implementation of an RDF Triple . |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.mem that return types with arguments of type Triple | |
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
GraphImpl.find(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
GraphImpl.find(Triple triple)
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.mem with parameters of type Triple | |
void |
GraphImpl.add(Triple triple)
int |
TripleComparatorImpl.compare(Triple o1,
Triple o2)
boolean |
GraphImpl.contains(Triple triple)
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
GraphImpl.find(Triple triple)
void |
GraphImpl.remove(Triple triple)
Method parameters in org.jrdf.graph.mem with type arguments of type Triple | |
void |
GraphImpl.remove(Iterator<Triple> triples)
Uses of Triple in org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator that return Triple | |
Triple |
Triple |
Triple |
Triple |
Triple |
Returns the next element in the iteration. |
Triple |
Never returns anything. |
Constructor parameters in org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator with type arguments of type Triple | |
TripleClosableIterator(Iterator<Triple> iter,
NodePoolMem nodePool,
LongIndex longIndex,
GraphHandler handler)
Uses of Triple in org.jrdf.parser.ntriples |
Methods in org.jrdf.parser.ntriples that return Triple | |
Triple |
Uses of Triple in org.jrdf.query.relation.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.query.relation.mem that return Triple | |
Triple |
AttributeValuePairHelperImpl.createTriple(List<AttributeValuePair> avp)
Triple |
AttributeValuePairHelper.createTriple(List<AttributeValuePair> avp)
Methods in org.jrdf.query.relation.mem with parameters of type Triple | |
List<AttributeValuePair> |
AttributeValuePairHelperImpl.createAvp(Triple triple)
List<AttributeValuePair> |
AttributeValuePairHelper.createAvp(Triple triple)
List<AttributeValuePair> |
AttributeValuePairHelperImpl.createAvp(Triple triple,
Attribute[] attributes)
List<AttributeValuePair> |
AttributeValuePairHelper.createAvp(Triple triple,
Attribute[] attributes)
Uses of Triple in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml |
Methods in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml that return Triple | |
Triple |
Methods in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml with parameters of type Triple | |
void |
ResourceStatement.setAndWriteTriple(Triple triple,
PrintWriter writer)
void |
ResourceStatement.setTriple(Triple triple)