Package org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator

Interface Summary
ClosableMemIterator<Triple> An iterator that allows you to determine if an iterator comes from the in memory graph.
IteratorFactory Creates the iterators.

Class Summary
EmptyClosableIterator An iterator that returns no triples.
GraphIterator An iterator that iterates over an entire graph.
IteratorFactoryImpl Default implementation of the IteratorFactory.
OneFixedIterator An iterator that iterates over a group with a single fixed node.
OrderedIteratorFactoryImpl Stuff goes in here.
ThreeFixedIterator An iterator that returns only a single triple, if any exists.
TripleClosableIterator A simple iterator that provides removal of nodes from the underlying store - irrespectively of the order given by the iterator.
TwoFixedIterator An iterator that iterates over a group with a two fixed nodes.