Package org.jrdf.query.relation.mem

Interface Summary
AttributeValuePairHelper Allows the creation of sorted AttributeValuePairs.
GraphRelationFactory A builder that always throws exceptions.
RelationHelper Methods on a collection of relations.
SortedAttributeFactory Allows the creation of headings.

Class Summary
AttributeComparatorImpl Stuff goes in here.
AttributeImpl Implementation of attribute-name:type-name combination.
AttributeValuePairComparatorImpl Stuff goes in here.
AttributeValuePairHelperImpl Allows the creation of sroted AttributeValuePairs.
AttributeValuePairImpl Implementation of an attribute name/value consists of the name (SUBJECT, PREDICATE, etc.) and value.
GraphRelationFactoryImpl A factory that produces graph relations.
GraphRelationImpl Implementation of relations containing 3 column heading (subject, predicate, object).
RelationComparatorImpl Stuff goes in here.
RelationImpl Implementation of relations containing a set of tuples and a set of attributes.
SortedAttributeFactoryImpl Allows the creation of headings.
TupleComparatorImpl Stuff goes in here.
TupleFactoryImpl Creates purely in memory implementations of tuples.
TupleImpl Implementation of a tuple is a named finite set of attributeValues (attributes to a set of values).