Uses of Class

Packages that use GraphException
org.jrdf.graph This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects.   
org.jrdf.graph.local.index This package defines a set of APIs required to implement the indexing scheme of a Graph implmentation. 
org.jrdf.graph.local.index.operation An implementation of the Graph Operations with knowledge of Graph indexes. 
org.jrdf.graph.local.index.operation.mem An in memory implementation of the Graph Operations with knowledge of Graph indexes. 
org.jrdf.graph.local.mem This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. 
org.jrdf.graph.operation This package defines a set of APIs for performing set based operations upon an RDF graph. 
org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml This package is a port of the Sesame RIO RDF/XML Parser. 
org.jrdf.query Classes in this package allow queries to be executed against a JRDF graph. 
org.jrdf.sparql Classes in this package parse SPARQL queries to allow querying of JRDF graphs. 

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph

Subclasses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph
 class GraphElementFactoryException
          Exception from a GraphElementFactory operation.

Methods in org.jrdf.graph that throw GraphException
 void Graph.add(Iterator<Triple> triples)
          Adds all the triples contained in an iterator into the graph.
 void Graph.add(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Adds a triple to the graph.
 void Graph.add(Triple... triples)
          Adds all the triples into the graph.
 void Graph.add(Triple triple)
          Adds a triple to the graph.
 void Resource.addValue(PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Add a new triple with this as the subject, the given predicate and object.
 boolean Graph.contains(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Test the graph for the occurrence of a statement.
 boolean Graph.contains(Triple triple)
          Test the graph for the occurrence of the triple.
 ClosableIterator<Triple> Graph.find(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Returns an iterator of Triples to a set of statements that match a given subject, predicate and object.
 ClosableIterator<Triple> Graph.find(Triple triple)
          Returns an iterator of Triples to a set of statements that match a given subject, predicate and object.
 ClosableIterator<PredicateNode> Graph.findPredicates(Resource resource)
          Return predicates that are part of an RDF triple where resource is either a subject or object.
 long Graph.getNumberOfTriples()
          Returns the number of triples in the graph.
 ClosableIterator<ObjectNode> Resource.getObjects(PredicateNode predicate)
          With this as the subject and using the given predicate return all the objects.
 ClosableIterator<SubjectNode> Resource.getSubjects(PredicateNode predicate)
          With this as the object and using the given predicate return all the subjects.
 boolean Graph.isEmpty()
          Returns true if the graph is empty i.e. the number of triples is 0.
 void Graph.remove(Iterator<Triple> triples)
          Removes all the triples contained in an iterator from the graph.
 void Graph.remove(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Removes a triple from the graph.
 void Graph.remove(Triple... triples)
          Removes all the triples into the graph.
 void Graph.remove(Triple triple)
          Removes a triple from the graph.
 void Resource.removeSubject(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate)
          Remove the triple with this as the object, the given subject and predicate.
 void Resource.removeValue(PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Remove the triple with this as the subject, the given predicate and object.
 void Resource.removeValues(PredicateNode predicate)
          Remove all the triples with this as the subject and the given predicate.
 void Resource.setValue(PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Remove any other triples with this as the subject, the given predicate and any object and add a new triple with this as the subject and the given predicate and object.

Uses of GraphException in

Methods in that throw GraphException
 void GlobalizedGraphImpl.remove(Molecule molecule)
 void GlobalizedGraph.remove(Molecule molecule)
          This will find the given molecule and remove it and any statements it contains.

Uses of GraphException in

Methods in that throw GraphException
 void MoleculeIndex.remove(Molecule molecule)
 void AbstractMoleculeIndexMem.remove(Molecule molecule)
 void AbstractMoleculeIndexMem.remove(Node[] nodes)
 void MoleculeIndex.remove(Node first, Node second, Node third)
 void AbstractMoleculeIndexMem.remove(Node first, Node second, Node third)

Uses of GraphException in

Methods in that throw GraphException
 SortedSet<NewMolecule> NewNaiveGraphDecomposerImpl.decompose(Graph newGraph)
 Set<NewMolecule> NewGraphDecomposer.decompose(Graph graph)
          Given the graph, this method returns the graph as a set of Molecules conataining the Most Self Contained Graph.
 Set<Molecule> NaiveGraphDecomposerImpl.decompose(Graph newGraph)
 Set<Molecule> GraphDecomposer.decompose(Graph graph)
          Given the graph, this method returns the graph as a set of Molecules conataining the Most Self Contained Graph.
 GlobalizedGraph MoleculeParserImpl.getGlobalizedGraph()
 GlobalizedGraph MoleculeParser.getGlobalizedGraph()
protected  Set<Triple> NaiveGraphDecomposerImpl.getHangingTriples()
          Given the specified triple, this method will return all other triples which hang off blank nodes which occur either as the subject or object of the triple.

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.local.index

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.index that throw GraphException
 void Index.add(T... node)
          Adds a triple to a single index.
 void Index.remove(T... node)
          Removes a triple from a single index.
 void AbstractIndex.remove(T... node)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.graphhandler

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.graphhandler that throw GraphException
 void GraphHandler.reconstructIndices(LongIndex firstIndex, LongIndex secondIndex, LongIndex thirdIndex)
          As 012, 120 and 201 are symmetrical this can be used to reconstruct either two from any one index.
 void AbstractGraphHandler.reconstructIndices(LongIndex firstIndex, LongIndex secondIndex, LongIndex thirdIndex)
 void GraphHandler201.remove(Long... currentNodes)
 void GraphHandler120.remove(Long... currentNodes)
 void GraphHandler012.remove(Long... nodes)
 void GraphHandler.remove(Long... nodes)
          Removes a triple from the other indexes of the graph.

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.longindex.bdb

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.longindex.bdb that throw GraphException
 void LongIndexBdb.remove(Long... node)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.longindex.sesame

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.longindex.sesame that throw GraphException
 void LongIndexSesame.add(Long... node)
 void LongIndexSesame.remove(Long... node)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.nodepool

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.nodepool that throw GraphException
 BlankNode LocalizerImpl.createLocalBlankNode()
 BlankNode Localizer.createLocalBlankNode()
 Long LocalizerImpl.localize(Node node)
 Long Localizer.localize(Node node)
          Converts a node into it's localized version.
 Long[] LocalizerImpl.localize(Node first, Node second, Node third)
 Long[] Localizer.localize(Node first, Node second, Node third)
          Converts a globalized set of triple objects to an array of longs.

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.operation

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.operation that throw GraphException
 LongIndex Union.perform(LongIndex index1, LongIndex index2)
 LongIndex SetOperation.perform(LongIndex index1, LongIndex index2)
 LongIndex Intersection.perform(LongIndex index1, LongIndex index2)
 LongIndex Difference.perform(LongIndex index1, LongIndex index2)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.operation.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.operation.mem that throw GraphException
 boolean ComparisonImpl.areIsomorphic(Graph g1, Graph g2)
static void BasicOperations.copyEntriesToIndex(LongIndex existingIndex, LongIndex newIndex)
 void BasicOperations.DoCopyTripleStuff.doStuff(Long first, Long second, Long third)
 void BasicOperations.DoReconstructTripleStuff.doStuff(Long first, Long second, Long third)
 void BasicOperations.DoRemoveTripleStuff.doStuff(Long first, Long second, Long third)
 void BasicOperations.DoIntersectionTripleStuff.doStuff(Long first, Long second, Long third)
 boolean ComparisonImpl.groundedGraphsAreEqual(Graph g1, Graph g2)
 boolean ComparisonImpl.isGrounded(Graph g)
 LongIndex UnionImpl.perform(LongIndex index1, LongIndex index2)
 LongIndex IntersectionImpl.perform(LongIndex index1, LongIndex index2)
 LongIndex DifferenceImpl.perform(LongIndex index1, LongIndex index2)
static void BasicOperations.performIntersection(LongIndex firstExistingIndex, LongIndex secondExistingIndex, LongIndex newIndex)
static void BasicOperations.reconstruct(LongIndex existingIndex, LongIndex firstNewIndex, LongIndex secondNewIndex)
static void BasicOperations.removeEntriesFromIndex(LongIndex existingIndex, LongIndex newIndex)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.local.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.mem that throw GraphException
 void GraphImpl.add(Iterator<Triple> triples)
 void GraphImpl.add(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 void GraphImpl.add(Triple... triples)
 void GraphImpl.add(Triple triple)
 void AbstractResource.addValue(PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 boolean GraphImpl.contains(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 boolean GraphImpl.contains(Triple triple)
 ClosableIterator<Triple> GraphImpl.find(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 ClosableIterator<Triple> GraphImpl.find(Triple triple)
 ClosableIterator<PredicateNode> GraphImpl.findPredicates(Resource resource)
 ClosableIterator<PredicateNode> ReadWriteGraphImpl.findUniquePredicates(Resource resource)
 ClosableIterator<PredicateNode> ReadableGraphImpl.findUniquePredicates(Resource resource)
 ClosableIterator<PredicateNode> ReadableGraph.findUniquePredicates(Resource resource)
 long GraphImpl.getNumberOfTriples()
 ClosableIterator<ObjectNode> AbstractResource.getObjects(PredicateNode predicate)
 ClosableIterator<SubjectNode> AbstractResource.getSubjects(PredicateNode predicate)
 boolean GraphImpl.isEmpty()
 void WritableGraphImpl.localizeAndAdd(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 void WritableGraph.localizeAndAdd(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 void ReadWriteGraphImpl.localizeAndAdd(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 void WritableGraphImpl.localizeAndRemove(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 void WritableGraph.localizeAndRemove(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 void ReadWriteGraphImpl.localizeAndRemove(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 void GraphImpl.remove(Iterator<Triple> triples)
 void GraphImpl.remove(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 void GraphImpl.remove(Triple... triples)
 void GraphImpl.remove(Triple triple)
 void WritableGraphImpl.removeIterator(Iterator<Triple> triples)
 void WritableGraph.removeIterator(Iterator<Triple> triples)
 void ReadWriteGraphImpl.removeIterator(Iterator<Triple> triples)
 void AbstractResource.removeSubject(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate)
 void AbstractResource.removeValue(PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 void AbstractResource.removeValues(PredicateNode predicate)
 void AbstractResource.setValue(PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.local.util

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.util that throw GraphException
 void GraphToGraphMapperImpl.addTripleToGraph(Triple triple)
 void GraphToGraphMapper.addTripleToGraph(Triple triple)
          Converts a triple from one graph and puts it into the target graph.
 Graph CopyGraphUtilImpl.copyGraph(Graph newSourceGraph, Graph newTargetGraph)
 Graph CopyGraphUtil.copyGraph(Graph sourceGraph, Graph targetGraph)
          Copies all the triples in source graph to target graph, respecting the blank node "identifies".
 Node CopyGraphUtilImpl.copyTriplesForNode(Graph newSourceGraph, Graph newTargetGraph, Node node, Node newNode)
 Node CopyGraphUtil.copyTriplesForNode(Graph sourceGraph, Graph targetGraph, Node node, Node newNode)
          Given a node, copies all the triples that include
 ObjectNode CopyGraphUtilImpl.copyTriplesForObjectNode(Graph newSourceGraph, Graph newTargetGraph, ObjectNode node, ObjectNode newNode)
 ObjectNode CopyGraphUtil.copyTriplesForObjectNode(Graph newSourceGraph, Graph newTargetGraph, ObjectNode node, ObjectNode newNode)
 SubjectNode CopyGraphUtilImpl.copyTriplesForSubjectNode(Graph newSourceGraph, Graph newTargetGraph, SubjectNode node, SubjectNode newNode)
 SubjectNode CopyGraphUtil.copyTriplesForSubjectNode(Graph newSourceGraph, Graph newTargetGraph, SubjectNode node, SubjectNode newNode)
 Graph GraphToGraphMapperImpl.createNewTriples(Iterator<Triple> it)
 Graph GraphToGraphMapper.createNewTriples(Iterator<Triple> it)
 void CopyGraphUtilImpl.replaceNode(Graph newTargetGraph, Node oldNode, Node newNode)
 void CopyGraphUtil.replaceNode(Graph newTargetGraph, Node oldNode, Node newNode)
 void GraphToGraphMapperImpl.replaceNode(Node node, Node newNode)
 void GraphToGraphMapper.replaceNode(Node node, Node newNode)
 void GraphToGraphMapperImpl.replaceObjectNode(Node node, Node newNode)
 void GraphToGraphMapper.replaceObjectNode(Node node, Node newNode)
 void GraphToGraphMapperImpl.replacePredicateNode(Node node, Node newNode)
 void GraphToGraphMapper.replacePredicateNode(Node node, Node newNode)
 void GraphToGraphMapperImpl.replaceSubjectNode(Node node, Node newNode)
 void GraphToGraphMapper.replaceSubjectNode(Node node, Node newNode)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.operation

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.operation that throw GraphException
 boolean Comparison.areIsomorphic(Graph g1, Graph g2)
          Return true if both graphs are equivalent (isomorphic) to one another.
 boolean Comparison.groundedGraphsAreEqual(Graph g1, Graph g2)
          Return true if both graphs are equivalent (isomophic) to one another.
 boolean Comparison.isGrounded(Graph g)
          Returns true if the graph is grounded (does not contain blank nodes).

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.gui.model

Methods in org.jrdf.gui.model that throw GraphException
 Answer JRDFModelImpl.performQuery(String query)
 Answer JRDFModel.performQuery(String query)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml

Constructors in org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml that throw GraphException
GraphRdfXmlParser(Graph graph)
GraphRdfXmlParser(Graph graph, ParserBlankNodeFactory blankNodeFactory)
RdfXmlParser(GraphElementFactory graphElementFactory)
          Creates a new RdfXmlParser that will use the supplied GraphElementFactory to create objects for resources, bNodes and literals.
RdfXmlParser(GraphElementFactory graphElementFactory, MapFactory creator)
          Creates a new RdfXmlParser that will use the supplied BlankNodeFactoryCreator and create a new map to be used by the generic ParserBlankNodeFactoryImpl.
RdfXmlParser(GraphElementFactory valueFactory, ParserBlankNodeFactory parserBlankNodeFactory)
          Creates a new RdfXmlParser that will use the supplied GraphElementFactory to create objects for resources, bNodes and literals.

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.query

Methods in org.jrdf.query that throw GraphException
 Answer JrdfQueryExecutor.executeQuery(Query query)
          Executes a query against a graph.

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.sparql

Methods in org.jrdf.sparql that throw GraphException
 Answer SparqlConnectionImpl.executeQuery(Graph graph, String queryText)
 Answer SparqlConnection.executeQuery(Graph graph, String queryText)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.sparql.builder

Methods in org.jrdf.sparql.builder that throw GraphException
 Query QueryBuilder.buildQuery(Graph graph, String queryText)
          Builds a query in String form into a Query.

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.writer

Methods in org.jrdf.writer that throw GraphException
 void RdfNamespaceMap.load(Graph graph)
          Loads namespaces from the graph.
 void RdfWriter.write(Graph graph, OutputStream stream)
          Writes the Graph contents to the OutputStream.
 void RdfWriter.write(Graph graph, Writer writer)
          Writes the Graph contents to the Writer.

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.writer.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.writer.mem that throw GraphException
 void RdfNamespaceMapImpl.load(Graph graph)

Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml

Methods in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml that throw GraphException
 void RdfXmlWriter.write(Graph graph, OutputStream stream)
 void RdfXmlWriter.write(Graph graph, Writer writer)