Interface Resource

All Superinterfaces:
BlankNode, Node, ObjectNode, PredicateNode, Serializable, SubjectNode, TypedNodeVisitable, URIReference
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractResource, BlankNodeResourceImpl, URIReferenceResourceImpl

public interface Resource
extends URIReference, BlankNode, Serializable

A resource stands for either a Blank Node or a URI Reference. This is a convienence interface designed to make it easier to create triples programmatically.

Method Summary
 void addValue(PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Add a new triple with this as the subject, the given predicate and object.
 ClosableIterator<ObjectNode> getObjects(PredicateNode predicate)
          With this as the subject and using the given predicate return all the objects.
 ClosableIterator<SubjectNode> getSubjects(PredicateNode predicate)
          With this as the object and using the given predicate return all the subjects.
 Node getUnderlyingNode()
          Returns the node that the resource represents - either a BlankNode or a URIReference.
 boolean isURIReference()
          Returns true if this is a URIReference, otherwise it's a BlankNode.
 void removeSubject(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate)
          Remove the triple with this as the object, the given subject and predicate.
 void removeValue(PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Remove the triple with this as the subject, the given predicate and object.
 void removeValues(PredicateNode predicate)
          Remove all the triples with this as the subject and the given predicate.
 void setValue(PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Remove any other triples with this as the subject, the given predicate and any object and add a new triple with this as the subject and the given predicate and object.
Methods inherited from interface org.jrdf.graph.URIReference
equals, getURI, hashCode
Methods inherited from interface org.jrdf.graph.TypedNodeVisitable
Methods inherited from interface org.jrdf.graph.TypedNodeVisitable
Methods inherited from interface org.jrdf.graph.TypedNodeVisitable
Methods inherited from interface org.jrdf.graph.BlankNode
equals, hashCode
Methods inherited from interface org.jrdf.graph.TypedNodeVisitable
Methods inherited from interface org.jrdf.graph.TypedNodeVisitable

Method Detail


boolean isURIReference()
Returns true if this is a URIReference, otherwise it's a BlankNode.

true if this is a URIReference, otherwise it's a BlankNode.


void addValue(PredicateNode predicate,
              ObjectNode object)
              throws GraphException
Add a new triple with this as the subject, the given predicate and object.

predicate - the existing predicate in the graph to create the triple with.
object - the existing object in the graph to create the triple with.
GraphException - if the predicate or object do not exist in the graph.


void setValue(PredicateNode predicate,
              ObjectNode object)
              throws GraphException
Remove any other triples with this as the subject, the given predicate and any object and add a new triple with this as the subject and the given predicate and object. This many that multiple object values will be replaced by a single object value.

predicate - the existing predicate in the graph to set.
object - the existing object in the graph to set.
GraphException - if the predicate or object do not exist in the graph.


void removeValue(PredicateNode predicate,
                 ObjectNode object)
                 throws GraphException
Remove the triple with this as the subject, the given predicate and object.

predicate - the existing predicate in the graph to remove.
object - the existing object in the graph to remove.
GraphException - if the predicate or object does not exist in the graph.


void removeValues(PredicateNode predicate)
                  throws GraphException
Remove all the triples with this as the subject and the given predicate.

predicate - the existing predicate in the graph.
GraphException - if the predicate does not exist in the graph.


void removeSubject(SubjectNode subject,
                   PredicateNode predicate)
                   throws GraphException
Remove the triple with this as the object, the given subject and predicate.

subject - the existing subject in the graph to remove.
predicate - the existing predicate in the graph to remove.
GraphException - if the subject or predicate do not exist in the graph.


ClosableIterator<ObjectNode> getObjects(PredicateNode predicate)
                                        throws GraphException
With this as the subject and using the given predicate return all the objects.

predicate - the existing predicate in the graph to use to find the objects.
all the objects in the graph with this resource as the subject and the given predicate.
GraphException - if the subject or predicate do not exist in the graph.


ClosableIterator<SubjectNode> getSubjects(PredicateNode predicate)
                                          throws GraphException
With this as the object and using the given predicate return all the subjects.

predicate - the existing predicate in the graph to use to find the subjects.
all the objects in the graph with this resource as the subject and the given predicate.
GraphException - if the subject or predicate do not exist in the graph.


Node getUnderlyingNode()
Returns the node that the resource represents - either a BlankNode or a URIReference.

the BlankNode or URIReference.