Uses of Class

Packages that use GraphElementFactoryException
org.jrdf.graph This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects. 
org.jrdf.graph.local.mem This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. 
org.jrdf.parser This package is a port of the Sesame RIO Parser. 
org.jrdf.parser.bnodefactory An in memory implementation of the parser interfaces. 

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.graph

Methods in org.jrdf.graph that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 Triple TripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, Object object)
          Creates and adds a new triple to the graph.
 Triple AbstractTripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, Object object)
 Triple TripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, String object)
          Creates and adds a new triple to the graph.
 Triple AbstractTripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, String object)
 Triple TripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, String object, String language)
          Creates and adds new triple to the graph.
 Triple AbstractTripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, String object, String language)
 Triple TripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, String object, URI dataType)
          Creates and adds new triple to graph.
 Triple AbstractTripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, String object, URI dataType)
 Triple TripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, URI object)
          Creates and adds a new triple to the graph.
 Triple AbstractTripleFactory.addTriple(URI subject, URI predicate, URI object)
 BlankNode GraphElementFactory.createBlankNode()
          Create a blank node that is associated with a specific graph.
 Literal GraphElementFactory.createLiteral(Object object)
          Converts a known Java class (such as Integer) into an RDF literal (XSD:int).
 Literal GraphElementFactory.createLiteral(String lexicalValue)
          Creates a new literal with the given lexical value, with no language or datatype.
 Literal GraphElementFactory.createLiteral(String lexicalValue, String languageType)
          Creates a new literal with the given lexical value, with a given language but no datatype.
 Literal GraphElementFactory.createLiteral(String lexicalValue, URI datatypeURI)
          Creates a new literal with the given lexical value and given datatype.
 Resource GraphElementFactory.createResource()
          Create a resource, wrapping a blank node that is associated with a specific graph.
 Resource GraphElementFactory.createResource(BlankNode node)
          Wrap a blank node in a resource.
 Resource GraphElementFactory.createResource(URI uri)
          Create a URI reference wrapped in a Resource.
 Resource GraphElementFactory.createResource(URI uri, boolean validate)
          Create a URI reference wrapped in a Resource without checking if the URI given is a valid RDF URI, currently if the URI is absolute.
 Resource GraphElementFactory.createResource(URIReference node)
          Wrap a URIReference in a resource.
 URIReference GraphElementFactory.createURIReference(URI uri)
          Create a URI reference.
 URIReference GraphElementFactory.createURIReference(URI uri, boolean validate)
          Create a URI reference without checking if the URI given is a valid RDF URI, currently if the URI is absolute.

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.graph.local.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.mem that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 BlankNode GraphElementFactoryImpl.createBlankNode()
 Resource GraphElementFactoryImpl.createResource()
 Resource ResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(BlankNode node)
 Resource ResourceFactory.createResource(BlankNode node)
 Resource GraphElementFactoryImpl.createResource(BlankNode node)
 Resource GraphElementFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)
 Resource GraphElementFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri, boolean validate)
 Resource ResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(URIReference node)
 Resource ResourceFactory.createResource(URIReference node)
 Resource GraphElementFactoryImpl.createResource(URIReference node)
 URIReference GraphElementFactoryImpl.createURIReference(URI uri)
 URIReference GraphElementFactoryImpl.createURIReference(URI uri, boolean validate)

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.graph.local.util

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.util that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 Node GraphToGraphMapperImpl.createNewNode(Node node)
 Node GraphToGraphMapper.createNewNode(Node node)
 void GraphToGraphMapperImpl.updateBlankNodes(Triple triple)
 void GraphToGraphMapper.updateBlankNodes(Triple triple)

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.parser

Methods in org.jrdf.parser that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 BlankNode ParserBlankNodeFactory.createBlankNode()
          Creates a BlankNode that is unique relative to this instance of the ParserBlankNodeFactory.
 BlankNode ParserBlankNodeFactory.createBlankNode(String nodeID)
          Creates a BlankNode that is only distinguished by the nodeID value.

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.parser.bnodefactory

Methods in org.jrdf.parser.bnodefactory that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 BlankNode ParserBlankNodeFactoryImpl.createBlankNode()
 BlankNode ParserBlankNodeFactoryImpl.createBlankNode(String nodeID)

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.sparql.builder

Methods in org.jrdf.sparql.builder that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 Literal LiteralBuilderImpl.createLiteral(org.jrdf.sparql.parser.node.ALiteralObjectTripleElement element)
 Literal LiteralBuilder.createLiteral(org.jrdf.sparql.parser.node.ALiteralObjectTripleElement element)