Packages that use Graph | |
org.jrdf | |
org.jrdf.example | Examples of using the JRDF APIs. |
org.jrdf.graph | This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects. |
org.jrdf.graph.global.molecule | |
org.jrdf.graph.local.disk | |
org.jrdf.graph.local.index.operation.mem | An in memory implementation of the Graph Operations with knowledge of Graph indexes. |
org.jrdf.graph.local.mem | This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. |
org.jrdf.graph.local.util | |
org.jrdf.graph.operation | This package defines a set of APIs for performing set based operations upon an RDF graph. |
org.jrdf.gui.model | |
org.jrdf.parser | This package is a port of the Sesame RIO Parser. |
org.jrdf.parser.ntriples | |
org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml | This package is a port of the Sesame RIO RDF/XML Parser. |
org.jrdf.query | Classes in this package allow queries to be executed against a JRDF graph. |
org.jrdf.query.relation.mem | |
org.jrdf.sparql | Classes in this package parse SPARQL queries to allow querying of JRDF graphs. |
org.jrdf.sparql.analysis | |
org.jrdf.sparql.builder | |
org.jrdf.sparql.parser | |
org.jrdf.writer | |
org.jrdf.writer.mem | |
org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml |
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf |
Methods in org.jrdf that return Graph | |
Graph |
Graph |
Graph |
Graph |
Graph |
Create a new JRDF graph depending on the current configuration. |
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.example |
Methods in org.jrdf.example that return Graph | |
protected Graph |
protected Graph |
protected abstract Graph |
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.graph |
Fields in org.jrdf.graph declared as Graph | |
protected Graph |
The graph that this factory constructs nodes for. |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph that return Graph | |
Graph |
Constructors in org.jrdf.graph with parameters of type Graph | |
AbstractTripleFactory(Graph newGraph,
GraphElementFactory newElementFactory)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.graph.global.molecule |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.global.molecule that return Graph | |
Graph |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.global.molecule with parameters of type Graph | |
SortedSet<NewMolecule> |
NewNaiveGraphDecomposerImpl.decompose(Graph newGraph)
Set<NewMolecule> |
NewGraphDecomposer.decompose(Graph graph)
Given the graph, this method returns the graph as a set of Molecules conataining the Most Self Contained Graph. |
Set<Molecule> |
NaiveGraphDecomposerImpl.decompose(Graph newGraph)
Set<Molecule> |
GraphDecomposer.decompose(Graph graph)
Given the graph, this method returns the graph as a set of Molecules conataining the Most Self Contained Graph. |
Constructors in org.jrdf.graph.global.molecule with parameters of type Graph | |
MoleculeParserImpl(Graph newGraph)
MoleculeParserStatementHandler(Graph newGraph)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.graph.local.disk |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.disk that return Graph | |
Graph |
Graph |
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.operation.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.index.operation.mem with parameters of type Graph | |
boolean |
ComparisonImpl.areIsomorphic(Graph g1,
Graph g2)
boolean |
ComparisonImpl.groundedGraphsAreEqual(Graph g1,
Graph g2)
boolean |
ComparisonImpl.isGrounded(Graph g)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.graph.local.mem |
Classes in org.jrdf.graph.local.mem that implement Graph | |
class |
A memory based RDF Graph. |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.mem that return Graph | |
Graph |
Graph |
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.graph.local.util |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.util that return Graph | |
Graph |
CopyGraphUtilImpl.copyGraph(Graph newSourceGraph,
Graph newTargetGraph)
Graph |
CopyGraphUtil.copyGraph(Graph sourceGraph,
Graph targetGraph)
Copies all the triples in source graph to target graph, respecting the blank node "identifies". |
Graph |
GraphToGraphMapperImpl.createNewTriples(Iterator<Triple> it)
Graph |
GraphToGraphMapper.createNewTriples(Iterator<Triple> it)
Graph |
Graph |
Returns the target graph. |
Graph |
Graph |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.local.util with parameters of type Graph | |
Graph |
CopyGraphUtilImpl.copyGraph(Graph newSourceGraph,
Graph newTargetGraph)
Graph |
CopyGraphUtil.copyGraph(Graph sourceGraph,
Graph targetGraph)
Copies all the triples in source graph to target graph, respecting the blank node "identifies". |
Node |
CopyGraphUtilImpl.copyTriplesForNode(Graph newSourceGraph,
Graph newTargetGraph,
Node node,
Node newNode)
Node |
CopyGraphUtil.copyTriplesForNode(Graph sourceGraph,
Graph targetGraph,
Node node,
Node newNode)
Given a node, copies all the triples that include |
ObjectNode |
CopyGraphUtilImpl.copyTriplesForObjectNode(Graph newSourceGraph,
Graph newTargetGraph,
ObjectNode node,
ObjectNode newNode)
ObjectNode |
CopyGraphUtil.copyTriplesForObjectNode(Graph newSourceGraph,
Graph newTargetGraph,
ObjectNode node,
ObjectNode newNode)
SubjectNode |
CopyGraphUtilImpl.copyTriplesForSubjectNode(Graph newSourceGraph,
Graph newTargetGraph,
SubjectNode node,
SubjectNode newNode)
SubjectNode |
CopyGraphUtil.copyTriplesForSubjectNode(Graph newSourceGraph,
Graph newTargetGraph,
SubjectNode node,
SubjectNode newNode)
void |
CopyGraphUtilImpl.replaceNode(Graph newTargetGraph,
Node oldNode,
Node newNode)
void |
CopyGraphUtil.replaceNode(Graph newTargetGraph,
Node oldNode,
Node newNode)
Constructors in org.jrdf.graph.local.util with parameters of type Graph | |
GraphToGraphMapperImpl(Graph newGraph,
MapFactory mapFactory,
SortedSetFactory sFac)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.graph.operation |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.operation that return Graph | |
Graph |
Union.perform(Graph a,
Graph b)
Graph |
SetOperation.perform(Graph a,
Graph b)
Graph |
Intersection.perform(Graph a,
Graph b)
Graph |
Difference.perform(Graph a,
Graph b)
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.operation with parameters of type Graph | |
boolean |
Comparison.areIsomorphic(Graph g1,
Graph g2)
Return true if both graphs are equivalent (isomorphic) to one another. |
boolean |
Comparison.groundedGraphsAreEqual(Graph g1,
Graph g2)
Return true if both graphs are equivalent (isomophic) to one another. |
boolean |
Comparison.isGrounded(Graph g)
Returns true if the graph is grounded (does not contain blank nodes). |
Graph |
Union.perform(Graph a,
Graph b)
Graph |
SetOperation.perform(Graph a,
Graph b)
Graph |
Intersection.perform(Graph a,
Graph b)
Graph |
Difference.perform(Graph a,
Graph b)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.gui.model |
Methods in org.jrdf.gui.model that return Graph | |
Graph |
JRDFModelImpl.loadModel(URL url)
Graph |
JRDFModel.loadModel(URL urlName)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.parser |
Methods in org.jrdf.parser with parameters of type Graph | |
RDFEventReader |
RDFInputFactory.createRDFEventReader(InputStream stream,
URI baseURI,
Graph graph,
ParserBlankNodeFactory factory)
RDFEventReader |
RDFInputFactory.createRDFEventReader(Reader reader,
URI baseURI,
Graph graph,
ParserBlankNodeFactory factory)
Constructors in org.jrdf.parser with parameters of type Graph | |
GraphStatementHandler(Graph graph)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.parser.ntriples |
Methods in org.jrdf.parser.ntriples with parameters of type Graph | |
NTriplesParser |
ParserFactoryImpl.createParser(Graph newGraph,
ParserBlankNodeFactory parserBlankNodeFactory)
NTriplesParser |
ParserFactory.createParser(Graph graph,
ParserBlankNodeFactory parserBlankNodeFactory)
RDFEventReader |
NTriplesRDFInputFactoryImpl.createRDFEventReader(InputStream stream,
URI baseURI,
Graph graph,
ParserBlankNodeFactory blankNodeFactory)
RDFEventReader |
NTriplesRDFInputFactoryImpl.createRDFEventReader(Reader reader,
URI baseURI,
Graph graph,
ParserBlankNodeFactory blankNodeFactory)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml |
Constructors in org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml with parameters of type Graph | |
GraphRdfXmlParser(Graph graph)
GraphRdfXmlParser(Graph graph,
ParserBlankNodeFactory blankNodeFactory)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.query |
Methods in org.jrdf.query with parameters of type Graph | |
Answer |
QueryImpl.executeQuery(Graph graph,
QueryEngine queryEngine)
Answer |
Query.executeQuery(Graph graph,
QueryEngine queryEngine)
JrdfQueryExecutor |
JrdfQueryExecutorFactory.getExecutor(Graph graph)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.query.relation.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.query.relation.mem with parameters of type Graph | |
GraphRelation |
GraphRelationFactoryImpl.createRelation(Graph graph)
GraphRelation |
GraphRelationFactory.createRelation(Graph graph)
Constructors in org.jrdf.query.relation.mem with parameters of type Graph | |
GraphRelationImpl(Graph graph,
SortedAttributeFactory attributeFactory,
AttributeValuePairHelper avpHelper,
TupleComparator tupleComparator,
TupleFactory tupleFactory)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.sparql |
Methods in org.jrdf.sparql with parameters of type Graph | |
Answer |
SparqlConnectionImpl.executeQuery(Graph graph,
String queryText)
Answer |
SparqlConnection.executeQuery(Graph graph,
String queryText)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.sparql.analysis |
Methods in org.jrdf.sparql.analysis with parameters of type Graph | |
Answer |
NoQuery.executeQuery(Graph graph,
QueryEngine queryEngine)
Constructors in org.jrdf.sparql.analysis with parameters of type Graph | |
PrefixAnalyserImpl(TripleBuilder tripleBuilder,
Graph graph)
ProjectAnalyserImpl(TripleBuilder tripleBuilder,
Graph graph)
SparqlAnalyserImpl(TripleBuilder tripleBuilder,
Graph graph,
GraphRelationFactory graphRelationFactory)
WhereAnalyserImpl(TripleBuilder tripleBuilder,
Graph graph,
VariableCollector collector)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.sparql.builder |
Methods in org.jrdf.sparql.builder with parameters of type Graph | |
Query |
SparqlQueryBuilder.buildQuery(Graph graph,
String queryText)
Builds a query in String form into a Query . |
Query |
QueryBuilder.buildQuery(Graph graph,
String queryText)
Builds a query in String form into a Query . |
Constructors in org.jrdf.sparql.builder with parameters of type Graph | |
ElementBuilderImpl(NodeType nodeType,
Node graphNode,
Attribute attribute,
Graph currentGraph,
Map<String,String> prefixMap)
TripleBuilderImpl(Graph graph,
AttributeValuePairHelper avpHelper,
SortedAttributeFactory sortedAttributeFactory)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.sparql.parser |
Methods in org.jrdf.sparql.parser with parameters of type Graph | |
Query |
SableCcSparqlParser.parseQuery(Graph graph,
String queryText)
Parses a textual query into a Query object. |
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.writer |
Methods in org.jrdf.writer with parameters of type Graph | |
void |
RdfNamespaceMap.load(Graph graph)
Loads namespaces from the graph. |
void |
RdfWriter.write(Graph graph,
OutputStream stream)
Writes the Graph contents to the OutputStream. |
void |
RdfWriter.write(Graph graph,
Writer writer)
Writes the Graph contents to the Writer. |
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.writer.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.writer.mem with parameters of type Graph | |
void |
RdfNamespaceMapImpl.load(Graph graph)
Uses of Graph in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml |
Methods in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml with parameters of type Graph | |
void |
RdfXmlWriter.write(Graph graph,
OutputStream stream)
void |
RdfXmlWriter.write(Graph graph,
Writer writer)