Class NTriplesParser

  extended by org.jrdf.parser.ntriples.NTriplesParser
All Implemented Interfaces:
Parser, StatementHandlerConfiguration

public class NTriplesParser
extends Object
implements Parser, StatementHandlerConfiguration

Constructor Summary
NTriplesParser(TripleParser tripleFactory, RegexMatcherFactory newRegexFactory)
Method Summary
 void parse(InputStream in, String baseURI)
          Parses the data from the supplied InputStream, using the supplied BASE_URI to resolve any relative URI references.
 void parse(Reader reader, String baseURI)
          Parses the data from the supplied Reader, using the supplied BASE_URI to resolve any relative URI references.
 void setStatementHandler(StatementHandler statementHandler)
          Sets the StatementHandler that will be notified of statements that are parsed by this parser.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NTriplesParser(TripleParser tripleFactory,
                      RegexMatcherFactory newRegexFactory)
Method Detail


public void setStatementHandler(StatementHandler statementHandler)
Description copied from interface: StatementHandlerConfiguration
Sets the StatementHandler that will be notified of statements that are parsed by this parser.

Specified by:
setStatementHandler in interface StatementHandlerConfiguration
statementHandler - the StatementHandler.


public void parse(InputStream in,
                  String baseURI)
           throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: Parser
Parses the data from the supplied InputStream, using the supplied BASE_URI to resolve any relative URI references.

Specified by:
parse in interface Parser
in - The InputStream from which to read the data.
baseURI - The URI associated with the data in the InputStream.
IOException - If an I/O error occurred while data was read from the InputStream.
ParseException - If the parser has found an unrecoverable parse error.
StatementHandlerException - If the configured statement handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.


public void parse(Reader reader,
                  String baseURI)
           throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: Parser
Parses the data from the supplied Reader, using the supplied BASE_URI to resolve any relative URI references.

Specified by:
parse in interface Parser
reader - The Reader from which to read the data.
baseURI - The URI associated with the data in the InputStream.
IOException - If an I/O error occurred while data was read from the InputStream.
ParseException - If the parser has found an unrecoverable parse error.
StatementHandlerException - If the configured statement handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.