Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClosableIterator
org.jrdf.graph This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects. 
org.jrdf.graph.mem This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. 
org.jrdf.parser This package is a port of the Sesame RIO Parser. 
org.jrdf.util Utility classes - ones that don't belong elsewhere. 

Uses of ClosableIterator in org.jrdf.graph

Methods in org.jrdf.graph that return ClosableIterator
 ClosableIterator<Triple> Graph.find(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
          Returns an iterator of Triples to a set of statements that match a given subject, predicate and object.
 ClosableIterator<Triple> Graph.find(Triple triple)
          Returns an iterator of Triples to a set of statements that match a given subject, predicate and object.

Uses of ClosableIterator in org.jrdf.graph.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.mem that return ClosableIterator
 ClosableIterator<Triple> GraphImpl.find(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object)
 ClosableIterator<Triple> GraphImpl.find(Triple triple)

Uses of ClosableIterator in org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator

Subinterfaces of ClosableIterator in org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator
 interface ClosableMemIterator<Triple>
          An iterator that allows you to determine if an iterator comes from the in memory graph.

Classes in org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator that implement ClosableIterator
 class EmptyClosableIterator
          An iterator that returns no triples.
 class GraphIterator
          An iterator that iterates over an entire graph.
 class OneFixedIterator
          An iterator that iterates over a group with a single fixed node.
 class ThreeFixedIterator
          An iterator that returns only a single triple, if any exists.
 class TripleClosableIterator
          A simple iterator that provides removal of nodes from the underlying store - irrespectively of the order given by the iterator.
 class TwoFixedIterator
          An iterator that iterates over a group with a two fixed nodes.

Uses of ClosableIterator in org.jrdf.parser

Subinterfaces of ClosableIterator in org.jrdf.parser
 interface RDFEventReader
          Class description goes here.

Uses of ClosableIterator in org.jrdf.parser.ntriples

Classes in org.jrdf.parser.ntriples that implement ClosableIterator
 class NTriplesEventReader

Uses of ClosableIterator in org.jrdf.util

Subinterfaces of ClosableIterator in org.jrdf.util
 interface SortedIterator<Triple>
          A closable iterator that is sorted.