Uses of Interface

Packages that use IteratorFactory
org.jrdf.graph.mem This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. 

Uses of IteratorFactory in org.jrdf.graph.mem

Constructors in org.jrdf.graph.mem with parameters of type IteratorFactory
GraphImpl(LongIndex[] longIndexes, NodePoolMem nodePool, GraphElementFactory elementFactory, GraphHandler012 graphHandler, IteratorFactory iteratorFactory)
          Default constructor.

Uses of IteratorFactory in org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator

Classes in org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator that implement IteratorFactory
 class IteratorFactoryImpl
          Default implementation of the IteratorFactory.
 class OrderedIteratorFactoryImpl
          Stuff goes in here.

Constructors in org.jrdf.graph.mem.iterator with parameters of type IteratorFactory
OrderedIteratorFactoryImpl(IteratorFactory iteratorFactory, NodePoolMem nodePool, LongIndex longIndex, GraphHandler graphHandlers, NodeComparator nodeComparator)