Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node
org.jrdf.graph This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects. 
org.jrdf.graph.mem This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. 

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.graph

Subinterfaces of Node in org.jrdf.graph
 interface BlankNode
          RDF blank node.
 interface Literal
          RDF literal node.
 interface ObjectNode
          Indicates if a Java object can be the object part of an RDF Triple.
 interface PredicateNode
          Indicates if a Java object can be the predicate part of an RDF Triple.
 interface SubjectNode
          Indicates if a Java object can be the subject part of an RDF Triple.
 interface URIReference
          RDF URI reference - resource node.

Classes in org.jrdf.graph that implement Node
 class AbstractBlankNode
          A base implementation of an RDF BlankNode.
 class AbstractLiteral
          A base implementation of an RDF Literal.
 class AbstractURIReference
          A base implementation of an RDF URIReference.
 class AnyNode
          A node which represents any node (subject, predicate or object) - unconstrained.
 class AnyObjectNode
          A node which represents any object - unconstrained.
 class AnyPredicateNode
          A node which represents any predicate - unconstrained.
 class AnySubjectNode
          A node which represents any subject - unconstrained.

Methods in org.jrdf.graph with parameters of type Node
 void TypedNodeVisitorAdapter.visitNode(Node node)
          Visit node.
 void TypedNodeVisitor.visitNode(Node node)
          Visit node.

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler that return Node
 Node[] GraphHandler.createTriple(Long[] nodes)
          Creates the globalized nodes based on the internal representation of the nodes.

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler.mem that return Node
 Node[] GraphHandler201.createTriple(Long[] nodes)
 Node[] GraphHandler120.createTriple(Long[] nodes)
 Node[] GraphHandler012.createTriple(Long[] nodes)

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool that return Node
 Node NodePool.getNodeById(Long id)
          Package method to find a node in the node pool by its id.

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool with parameters of type Node
 Long[] NodePool.localize(Node first, Node second, Node third)
          Converts a globalized set of triple objects to an array of longs.

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool.mem that return Node
 Node NodePoolMemImpl.getNodeById(Long id)

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool.mem that return types with arguments of type Node
 Collection<Node> NodePoolMemImpl.getNodePoolValues()
 Collection<Node> NodePoolMem.getNodePoolValues()
          Returns all the nodes in the node pool.

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool.mem with parameters of type Node
 Long[] NodePoolMemImpl.localize(Node first, Node second, Node third)

Constructor parameters in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool.mem with type arguments of type Node
NodePoolMemImpl(Map<Long,Node> newNodePool, Map<String,Long> newStringPool)

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.graph.mem

Subinterfaces of Node in org.jrdf.graph.mem
 interface LiteralMutableId
          Class description goes here.
 interface MemNode
          Memory node.

Classes in org.jrdf.graph.mem that implement Node
 class BlankNodeImpl
          RDF blank node.
 class LiteralImpl
          RDF literal node.
 class URIReferenceImpl
          RDF URI reference - resource node.

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.mem with parameters of type Node
 int o1, Node o2)

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.query.relation

Methods in org.jrdf.query.relation that return Node
 Node AttributeValuePair.getValue()
          Returns the value of the attribute.

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.query.relation.constants

Methods in org.jrdf.query.relation.constants that return Node
 Node NullaryAttributeValuePair.getValue()

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.query.relation.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.query.relation.mem that return Node
 Node AttributeValuePairImpl.getValue()

Constructors in org.jrdf.query.relation.mem with parameters of type Node
AttributeValuePairImpl(Attribute newAttribute, Node newValue)

Uses of Node in org.jrdf.sparql.builder

Constructors in org.jrdf.sparql.builder with parameters of type Node
ElementBuilderImpl(NodeType nodeType, Node graphNode, Attribute attribute, Graph currentGraph, Map<String,String> prefixMap)