Interface BlankNodeRegistry

All Known Implementing Classes:
BdbBlankNodeRegistryImpl, MemBlankNodeRegistryImpl

public interface BlankNodeRegistry

A registry of BlankNodes that are encountered while writing a Graph. Allows the same BlankNode object to return with the same String value. This does the converse job of ParserBlankNodeFactory (which maps Strings to BlankNodes).

Andrew Newman, TurnerRX

Method Summary
 void clear()
          Reset the associations between blank nodes and node ids.
 void close()
          Close any resource used by the blank node factory.
 String getNodeId(BlankNode node)
          If the node has already been registered, it's node Id is returned, otherwise it is registered and the new node Id is returned.

Method Detail


String getNodeId(BlankNode node)
If the node has already been registered, it's node Id is returned, otherwise it is registered and the new node Id is returned.

node - BlankNode
String node ID


void clear()
Reset the associations between blank nodes and node ids.


void close()
Close any resource used by the blank node factory.