Uses of Interface

Packages that use Operation

Uses of Operation in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation

Subinterfaces of Operation in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation
 interface AntiJoin
          An extension to DyadicJoin - use to differentiate itself from other DyadicJoins The complement of semijoin.
 interface DyadicJoin
          Merely a marker interface - used to differentiate between two types of join.
 interface NadicJoin
          Merely a marker interface - used to differentiate between two types of join.
 interface Restrict
          Returns the list of relations with the same set of attributes.
 interface Union

Uses of Operation in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.join

Classes in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.join that implement Operation
 class DyadicJoinImpl
          A simple memory based implementation of DyadicJoin.
 class NadicJoinImpl
          A simple memory based implementation of NadicJoin.

Uses of Operation in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.join.anti

Classes in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.join.anti that implement Operation
 class AntiJoinImpl

Uses of Operation in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.join.outer

Classes in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.join.outer that implement Operation
 class FullOuterJoinImpl
 class LeftOuterJoinImpl

Uses of Operation in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.join.semi

Classes in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.join.semi that implement Operation
 class SemiJoinImpl

Uses of Operation in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.restrict

Classes in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.restrict that implement Operation
 class RestrictImpl
          The relational operation that remove tuples that don't meet a specific criteria.

Uses of Operation in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.union

Subinterfaces of Operation in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.union
 interface MinimumUnionLeftOuterJoin
          Indicates a special kind of DyadicJoin.

Classes in org.jrdf.query.relation.operation.mem.union that implement Operation
 class MinimumUnionFullOuterJoinImpl
          A full minimum union outer join is the result of a left minimum union outer join unioned with relation 2.
 class MinimumUnionImpl
 class MinimumUnionLeftOuterJoinImpl
 class OuterUnionImpl