Uses of Interface

Packages that use Sequence
org.jrdf.graph This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects. 
org.jrdf.graph.local.mem This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. 

Uses of Sequence in org.jrdf.graph

Methods in org.jrdf.graph with parameters of type Sequence
 void TripleFactory.addSequence(SubjectNode subjectNode, Sequence sequence)
          Inserts a sequence using the given subject.
 void AbstractTripleFactory.addSequence(SubjectNode subjectNode, Sequence sequence)

Uses of Sequence in org.jrdf.graph.local.mem

Classes in org.jrdf.graph.local.mem that implement Sequence
 class SequenceImpl
          An implementation of Sequence.