Uses of Class

Packages that use WriteException

Uses of WriteException in org.jrdf.writer

Subclasses of WriteException in org.jrdf.writer
 class NamespaceException
          indicates that an exception occurred whilt evaluating namespaces.

Methods in org.jrdf.writer that throw WriteException
 void RdfWriter.write(Graph graph, OutputStream stream)
          Writes the Graph contents to the OutputStream.
 void RdfWriter.write(Graph graph, Writer writer)
          Writes the Graph contents to the Writer.

Uses of WriteException in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml

Methods in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml that throw WriteException
 void ResourceStatement.setAndWriteTriple(Triple triple, PrintWriter writer)
 void RdfXmlWriter.write(Graph graph, OutputStream stream)
 void RdfXmlWriter.write(Graph graph, Writer writer)
 void ResourceStatement.write(PrintWriter writer)
 void ResourceHeader.write(PrintWriter writer)
 void ResourceFooter.write(PrintWriter writer)
 void RdfXmlWritable.write(PrintWriter writer)
          Writes contents to the writer in RDF/XML format.
 void RdfXmlFooter.write(PrintWriter writer)