Uses of Interface

Packages that use StatementHandlerConfiguration
org.jrdf.parser This package is a port of the Sesame RIO Parser. 
org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml This package is a port of the Sesame RIO RDF/XML Parser. 

Uses of StatementHandlerConfiguration in org.jrdf.parser

Subinterfaces of StatementHandlerConfiguration in org.jrdf.parser
 interface ConfigurableParser
          An interface defining an RDF parser that can be configured.
 interface ParserConfiguration
          The interface to configure RDF parsers.

Uses of StatementHandlerConfiguration in org.jrdf.parser.ntriples

Classes in org.jrdf.parser.ntriples that implement StatementHandlerConfiguration
 class NTriplesParser

Uses of StatementHandlerConfiguration in org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml

Classes in org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml that implement StatementHandlerConfiguration
 class RdfXmlParser
          A parser for XML-serialized RDF.