Packages that use GraphException | |
org.jrdf.graph | This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects. |
org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler | |
org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler.mem | |
org.jrdf.graph.index.longindex | |
org.jrdf.graph.index.longindex.derby | |
org.jrdf.graph.index.longindex.mem | This package implements an in memory version of the index interfaces. |
org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool | |
org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool.mem | |
org.jrdf.graph.index.operation | An implementation of the Graph Operations with knowledge of Graph indexes. |
org.jrdf.graph.index.operation.mem | An in memory implementation of the Graph Operations with knowledge of Graph indexes. |
org.jrdf.graph.mem | This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. |
org.jrdf.graph.operation | This package defines a set of APIs for performing set based operations upon an RDF graph. |
org.jrdf.gui.model | |
org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml | This package is a port of the Sesame RIO RDF/XML Parser. |
org.jrdf.query | Classes in this package allow queries to be executed against a JRDF graph. |
org.jrdf.sparql | Classes in this package parse Rel queries to allow querying of JRDF graphs. |
org.jrdf.sparql.builder | |
org.jrdf.writer | |
org.jrdf.writer.mem | |
org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph that throw GraphException | |
void |
Graph.add(Iterator<Triple> triples)
Adds all the triples contained in an iterator into the graph. |
void |
Graph.add(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
Adds a triple to the graph. |
void |
Graph.add(Triple triple)
Adds a triple to the graph. |
boolean |
Graph.contains(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
Test the graph for the occurrence of a statement. |
boolean |
Graph.contains(Triple triple)
Test the graph for the occurrence of the triple. |
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
Graph.find(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
Returns an iterator of Triple s to a set of statements that
match a given subject, predicate and object. |
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
Graph.find(Triple triple)
Returns an iterator of Triple s to a set of statements that
match a given subject, predicate and object. |
long |
Returns the number of triples in the graph. |
boolean |
Returns true if the graph is empty i.e. the number of triples is 0. |
void |
Graph.remove(Iterator<Triple> triples)
Removes all the triples contained in an iterator from the graph. |
void |
Graph.remove(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
Removes a triple from the graph. |
void |
Graph.remove(Triple triple)
Removes a triple from the graph. |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler that throw GraphException | |
void |
GraphHandler.reconstructIndices(LongIndex firstIndex,
LongIndex secondIndex,
LongIndex thirdIndex)
As 012, 120 and 201 are symmetrical this can be used to reconstruct either two from any one index. |
void |
AbstractGraphHandler.reconstructIndices(LongIndex firstIndex,
LongIndex secondIndex,
LongIndex thirdIndex)
void |
GraphHandler.remove(Long[] currentNodes)
Removes a triple from the other indexes of the graph. |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.graphhandler.mem that throw GraphException | |
void |
GraphHandler201.remove(Long[] currentNodes)
void |
GraphHandler120.remove(Long[] currentNodes)
void |
GraphHandler012.remove(Long[] currentNodes)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.index.longindex |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.longindex that throw GraphException | |
void |
LongIndex.add(Long[] triple)
Adds a triple to a single index. |
void |
LongIndex.add(Long first,
Long second,
Long third)
Adds a triple to a single index. |
void |
LongIndex.remove(Long[] triple)
Removes a triple from a single index. |
void |
LongIndex.remove(Long first,
Long second,
Long third)
Removes a triple from a single index. |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.index.longindex.derby |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.longindex.derby that throw GraphException | |
void |
LongIndexDerby.remove(Long[] triple)
void |
LongIndexDerby.remove(Long first,
Long second,
Long third)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.index.longindex.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.longindex.mem that throw GraphException | |
void |
LongIndexMem.remove(Long[] triple)
void |
LongIndexMem.remove(Long first,
Long second,
Long third)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool that throw GraphException | |
Long[] |
NodePool.localize(Node first,
Node second,
Node third)
Converts a globalized set of triple objects to an array of longs. |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.nodepool.mem that throw GraphException | |
Long[] |
NodePoolMemImpl.localize(Node first,
Node second,
Node third)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.index.operation |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.operation that throw GraphException | |
LongIndex |
Union.perform(LongIndex index1,
LongIndex index2)
LongIndex |
SetOperation.perform(LongIndex index1,
LongIndex index2)
LongIndex |
Intersection.perform(LongIndex index1,
LongIndex index2)
LongIndex |
Difference.perform(LongIndex index1,
LongIndex index2)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.index.operation.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.index.operation.mem that throw GraphException | |
boolean |
ComparisonImpl.areIsomorphic(Graph g1,
Graph g2)
static void |
BasicOperations.copyEntriesToIndex(LongIndex existingIndex,
LongIndex newIndex)
void |
BasicOperations.DoCopyTripleStuff.doStuff(Long first,
Long second,
Long third)
void |
BasicOperations.DoReconstructTripleStuff.doStuff(Long first,
Long second,
Long third)
void |
BasicOperations.DoRemoveTripleStuff.doStuff(Long first,
Long second,
Long third)
void |
BasicOperations.DoIntersectionTripleStuff.doStuff(Long first,
Long second,
Long third)
boolean |
ComparisonImpl.groundedGraphsAreEqual(Graph g1,
Graph g2)
boolean |
ComparisonImpl.isGrounded(Graph g)
LongIndex |
UnionImpl.perform(LongIndex index1,
LongIndex index2)
LongIndex |
IntersectionImpl.perform(LongIndex index1,
LongIndex index2)
LongIndex |
DifferenceImpl.perform(LongIndex index1,
LongIndex index2)
static void |
BasicOperations.performIntersection(LongIndex firstExistingIndex,
LongIndex secondExistingIndex,
LongIndex newIndex)
static void |
BasicOperations.reconstruct(LongIndex existingIndex,
LongIndex firstNewIndex,
LongIndex secondNewIndex)
static void |
BasicOperations.removeEntriesFromIndex(LongIndex existingIndex,
LongIndex newIndex)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.mem that throw GraphException | |
void |
GraphImpl.add(Iterator triples)
void |
GraphImpl.add(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
void |
GraphImpl.add(Triple triple)
boolean |
GraphImpl.contains(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
boolean |
GraphImpl.contains(Triple triple)
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
GraphImpl.find(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
GraphImpl.find(Triple triple)
long |
boolean |
void |
GraphImpl.remove(Iterator<Triple> triples)
void |
GraphImpl.remove(SubjectNode subject,
PredicateNode predicate,
ObjectNode object)
void |
GraphImpl.remove(Triple triple)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.graph.operation |
Methods in org.jrdf.graph.operation that throw GraphException | |
boolean |
Comparison.areIsomorphic(Graph g1,
Graph g2)
Return true if both graphs are equivalent (isomorphic) to one another. |
boolean |
Comparison.groundedGraphsAreEqual(Graph g1,
Graph g2)
Return true if both graphs are equivalent (isomophic) to one another. |
boolean |
Comparison.isGrounded(Graph g)
Returns true if the graph is grounded (does not contain blank nodes). |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.gui.model |
Methods in org.jrdf.gui.model that throw GraphException | |
Answer |
JRDFModelImpl.performQuery(String query)
Answer |
JRDFModel.performQuery(String query)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml |
Constructors in org.jrdf.parser.rdfxml that throw GraphException | |
GraphRdfXmlParser(Graph graph)
RdfXmlParser(GraphElementFactory graphElementFactory)
Creates a new RdfXmlParser that will use the supplied GraphElementFactory to create objects for resources, bNodes and literals. |
RdfXmlParser(GraphElementFactory valueFactory,
ParserBlankNodeFactory parserBlankNodeFactory)
Creates a new RdfXmlParser that will use the supplied GraphElementFactory to create objects for resources, bNodes and literals. |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.query |
Methods in org.jrdf.query that throw GraphException | |
Answer |
JrdfQueryExecutor.executeQuery(Query query)
Executes a query against a graph. |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.sparql |
Methods in org.jrdf.sparql that throw GraphException | |
Answer |
SparqlConnectionImpl.executeQuery(Graph graph,
String queryText)
Answer |
SparqlConnection.executeQuery(Graph graph,
String queryText)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.sparql.builder |
Methods in org.jrdf.sparql.builder that throw GraphException | |
Query |
QueryBuilder.buildQuery(Graph graph,
String queryText)
Builds a query in String form into a Query . |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.writer |
Methods in org.jrdf.writer that throw GraphException | |
void |
RdfNamespaceMap.load(Graph graph)
Loads namespaces from the graph. |
void |
RdfWriter.write(Graph graph,
OutputStream stream)
Writes the Graph contents to the OutputStream. |
void |
RdfWriter.write(Graph graph,
Writer writer)
Writes the Graph contents to the Writer. |
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.writer.mem |
Methods in org.jrdf.writer.mem that throw GraphException | |
void |
RdfNamespaceMapImpl.load(Graph graph)
Uses of GraphException in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml |
Methods in org.jrdf.writer.rdfxml that throw GraphException | |
void |
RdfXmlWriter.write(Graph graph,
OutputStream stream)
void |
RdfXmlWriter.write(Graph graph,
Writer writer)