Uses of Class

Packages that use GraphElementFactoryException
org.jrdf.graph This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects. 
org.jrdf.graph.mem This package is an implementation of the JRDF Graph API. 
org.jrdf.parser This package is a port of the Sesame RIO Parser. 
org.jrdf.parser.mem An in memory implementation of the parser interfaces. 

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.graph

Methods in org.jrdf.graph that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 Literal GraphElementFactory.createLiteral(String lexicalValue)
          Creates a new literal with the given lexical value, with no language or datatype.
 Literal GraphElementFactory.createLiteral(String lexicalValue, String languageType)
          Creates a new literal with the given lexical value, with a given language but no datatype.
 Literal GraphElementFactory.createLiteral(String lexicalValue, URI datatypeURI)
          Creates a new literal with the given lexical value and given datatype.
 BlankNode GraphElementFactory.createResource()
          Create a blank nodes that is associated with a specific graph.
 URIReference GraphElementFactory.createResource(URI uri)
          Create a URI reference.
 URIReference GraphElementFactory.createResource(URI uri, boolean validate)
          Create a URI reference without checking if the URI given is a valid RDF URI, currently if the URI is absolute.

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.graph.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.graph.mem that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 BlankNode GraphElementFactoryImpl.createResource()
          Create a blank nodes that is associated with a specific graph.
 URIReference GraphElementFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)
          Create a URI reference.
 URIReference GraphElementFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri, boolean validate)
          Create a URI reference without checking if the URI given is a valid RDF URI, currently if the URI is absolute.

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.parser

Methods in org.jrdf.parser that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 BlankNode ParserBlankNodeFactory.createBlankNode()
          Creates a BlankNode that is unique relative to this instance of the ParserBlankNodeFactory.
 BlankNode ParserBlankNodeFactory.createBlankNode(String nodeID)
          Creates a BlankNode that is only distinguished by the nodeID value.

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.parser.mem

Methods in org.jrdf.parser.mem that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 BlankNode ParserBlankNodeFactoryImpl.createBlankNode()
          Always creates a new BlankNode object from the GraphElementFactory.
 BlankNode ParserBlankNodeFactoryImpl.createBlankNode(String nodeID)
          Returns the BlankNode for a nodeID that has not been seen before or calls the GraphElementFactory to create a new BlankNode otherwise.

Uses of GraphElementFactoryException in org.jrdf.sparql.builder

Methods in org.jrdf.sparql.builder that throw GraphElementFactoryException
 Literal LiteralBuilderImpl.createLiteral(org.jrdf.sparql.parser.node.ALiteralObjectTripleElement element)
 Literal LiteralBuilder.createLiteral(org.jrdf.sparql.parser.node.ALiteralObjectTripleElement element)