Package org.jrdf.graph

This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects.


Interface Summary
Alternative An Alt is a list of unordered statements which prevents duplicates.
Bag A Bag is a group of statements that are an unorderd list which allow duplicates.
BlankNode RDF blank node.
Collection A Collection holds all the statements of a particular group.
Container A Container is a grouping of statements.
Graph An RDF Graph.
GraphElementFactory A Graph Element Factory is a class which creates the various components of a graph including: resources, literals and triples.
Literal RDF literal node.
Node RDF node.
ObjectNode Indicates if a Java object can be the object part of an RDF Triple.
PredicateNode Indicates if a Java object can be the predicate part of an RDF Triple.
Sequence A Sequence is a group of statements that are kept in an orderd list.
SubjectNode Indicates if a Java object can be the subject part of an RDF Triple.
Triple RDF Triple.
TripleFactory A Triple Factory is a class which defines the creation of certain sets of triples.
TypedNodeVisitable Indicates that a BlankNode, URIReference or Literal are able to be visited.
TypedNodeVisitor An object which can visit a BlankNode, URIReference and Literal.
URIReference RDF URI reference - resource node.

Class Summary
AbstractBlankNode A base implementation of an RDF BlankNode.
AbstractLiteral A base implementation of an RDF Literal.
AbstractTriple A base implementation of an RDF Triple.
AbstractTripleFactory The base implementation of the Triple Factory which adds to a given graph reified statements, containers and collections.
AbstractURIReference A base implementation of an RDF URIReference.

Exception Summary
AlreadyReifiedException Exception from a TripleFactory operation involving the reificiation of a statement - if the statement already has a reified triple.
GraphElementFactoryException Exception from a GraphElementFactory operation.
GraphException Exception from an Graph operation.
TripleFactoryException Exception from a TripleFactory operation.

Package org.jrdf.graph Description

This package defines a set of APIs required to implement an RDF Graph and it's associated objects. The basis for this package structure comes from various sources including: the W3C RDF specifications and existing Java mappings including: Jena, Sesame and Sergey Melnik's RDF API.

An RDF Graph is made from RDF triples. Triples consist of a subject, predicate and object. Triples are made of nodes. Nodes can either be resources or literals. Resources can either be labelled with a URI, called URI references, or be blank.

To construct nodes you use a GraphElementFactory which allows you to create any of the nodes individually. This allows a separation between the implementation of the Graphs and of Node storage and handling.